Version 3.1.03

  • Bugfix: Fix for not being able to connect to GeoNetwork twice in a row
  • Bugfix: Fix for WMS/WFS urls not added to metadata because of ManagedWorkspaceMode setting set to True in GeoServer connection
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مقالات مشابهة

Version 3.0.0

Redesign of the user interface for better usability. Publish multiple styles per layer...

Version 3.0.1

Redesign of the user interface for better usability. Publish multiple styles per layer...

Version 3.1.0

New feature: toggle metadata profile in metadata preview window including option to view raw...

Version 3.1.10

Remove minimal size for fill marker symbols, at least since GS 2.9 with the vendor option...

Version 3.1.11

Retrieve field names for SLD from GeoServer FeatureTypes to preserve field names case Support...