- Retrieve field names for SLD from GeoServer FeatureTypes to preserve field names case
- Support perpendicular line offset in GeoServer SLD
- Support breaklines in label expressions (vbNewLine constant)
- Improve label offset support in Maplex
- Update images for GeoCat Live Server
- Improved checks for Postgis extension and database schema in Postgis server configuration
- Support uppercase Postgis schema names
- Postgis export: don't skip geometry field when set to not visible
- Postgis export: support for esriFieldTypeGUID as Postgres uuid
- GeoServer configuration: server can't be saved if there're no workspaces defined in managed workspace mode
- GeoServer configuration: when managed workspace is off, display only the datastores related to the workspace
- Improve publication message if server can't be accessed
- Remove PostGIS server from Map Server list in publish window
- Metadata profiles custom elements not saved in publish window
- Fixes in publish window for servers on/off buttons when no servers are defined
- Fix: Rotation angle in fill marker symbols
- Fix: When Managed Workspace mode is off, datastore select always goes back to file based