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GeoCat Bridge

Our plugin for Esri ArcGIS and QGIS simplifies geospatial data sharing on the Internet. Publish your maps and metadata to an open source server platform using GeoCat Bridge.
  • GeoCat Bridge (Standalone)

    € 790,00/an
    Comandă acum
    • Common Features
    • Support for ISO19139 metadata
    • Symbology conversion to SLD
    • Metadata publication to GeoNetwork
    • Layer publication to GeoServer
    • ArcGIS Pro Features
    • GeoServer workspace management
    • GeoServer content browser
    • ArcMap Features
    • Contacts management
    • Data licenses management
    • Layer publication to MapServer
    • Data publication to PostGIS
    • QGIS Features
    • Convert QGIS to ISO19139 metadata
    • Vector tile (MapLibre) support