GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.7

GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.7

GeoCat is pleased to present our latest distribution of GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.7.


GeoNetwork Enterprise is an outstanding catalog application providing record publishing and search capabilities to share information. Built to support international open standards GeoNetwork offers metadata editing and management with a focus on geospatial content.

GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022.7 is a recommended upgrade for all our customers and compatible with GeoCat Bridge for both ArcGIS Desktop and QGIS Desktop.

GeoNetwork Enterprise Plugin repository

GeoNetwork Enterprise is provided as a base package which can be extended with plugins. Plugins have an independent lifecycle. Each plugin advertises its compatibility with relevant GeoNetwork versions.

Plugins are available via the plugin repository at Documentation on how to install the plugin is available in the plugin.

GeoNetwork Enterprise Documentation

Enterprise documentation is now available at

GeoNetwork Technology

GeoNetwork Enterprise is proudly open source based on the latest GeoNetwork 3.12.12 technology.


  • Bugfix: Reset user password / Don't ask for the user old password to administrators, as an administrator user doesn't require to provide that information to reset other users password.
  • Improvement: Fix alignment of user enabled checkbox in users maintenance.
  • Improvement: Harvesters / GeoNetwork protocol / Check if a resource exists to save it, instead of trying to retrieve the file details, to avoid confusing exceptions in the log file.


  • Bugfix: Create a metadata / Add dynamic and download privileges, so the users in the metadata group owner can access by default map and download resources.
  • Bugfix: Fix batch edit button in the editor board, to check if an Editor role has access.
  • Bugfix: When importing a MEF file with the option "Generate UUID for inserted metadata", use the new UUID for the metadata online resources links.
  • Bugfix: Record full view / Fix url link in full view, when an url is enclosed between brackets, the close bracket ") " could be included in link.
  • Bugfix: Record view / don't display the resources description duplicated.
  • Bugfix: Remote INSPIRE Atom Feeds harvester / avoid an error if several service feeds reference the same dataset.
  • Bugfix: Set metadata validation status to not validated instead of valid, when an error occurs validating a metadata.
  • Improvement: Don't add application header menu and footer to the metadata PDF export.


  • Bugfix: Fix the cookies path when the application is deployed on root "/" context.
  • Improvement: Documentation migrated to MkDocs.
  • Improvement: Update libraries:
    • org.json to version 20240205
    • commons-fileupload to version 1.5
  • Improvement: Remove exception class name from the error message.
  • Improvement: Remove handlebars.js v2.0.0 library.

Minimal UI view

  • Improvement: Record view / Use the hierarchy level value to display the icon for the type of metadata.

Canadian metadata schema (HNAP)

  • Bugfix: Add missing rdf:type in element for thesaurus GC_OG_Geographic_Region.rdf.
  • Bugfix: Fix permissions for metadata edits and maps.
  • Bugfix: Fix validation rule for creation rule.
  • Bugfix: Validate missing citation element.
  • Bugfix: Validate missing contact email field.
  • Improvement: Record static page / change the label Access to the portal to Access to the catalogue

Dutch Service 2.0.0 schema

  • Bugfix: Fix indexing of contact information.
  • GeoNetwork, Release Notes
  • 0 istifadəçi bunu faydalı hesab edir
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