GeoNetwork Enterprise 2023.0

GeoNetwork Enterprise 2023.0

GeoCat is pleased to present our latest distribution of GeoNetwork Enterprise 2023.0.

To migrate from GeoNetwork Enterprise 2022 or earlier, see the Upgrade guide.


GeoNetwork Enterprise is an outstanding catalog application providing record publishing and search capabilities to share information. Built to support international open standards GeoNetwork offers metadata editing and management with a focus on geospatial content.

GeoNetwork Enterprise 2023.0 is a recommended upgrade for all our customers and compatible with GeoCat Bridge for both ArcGIS Desktop and QGIS Desktop.

GeoNetwork Enterprise Plugin repository

GeoNetwork Enterprise is provided as a base package which can be extended with plugins. Plugins have an independent lifecycle. Each plugin advertises its compatibility with relevant GeoNetwork versions.

Plugins are available via the plugin repository.

Documentation on how to install the plugin is available in the plugin.

GeoNetwork Enterprise Documentation

Enterprise documentation is now available at

GeoNetwork Technology

GeoNetwork Enterprise 2023.0 is based on GeoNetwork opensource 4.2.x. This version of GeoNetwork has switched the search engine to use ElasticSearch instead of Lucene, as in previous versions.

See how to Install and Configure Elasticsearch.

This section describes the main changes in this new version.

With the change of the search engine to Elasticsearch, a series of improvements related to searches and filters are available:

  • Improve multilingual search tested in various context - French only, English only, mix of French/English.
  • Range field support (eg. temporal coverage).
  • Search exact match support.
  • Search suggestions improvements:
    • Support phrase query, does not return private terms, takes current search into account.
    • Display resource type icon.
    • Add support for "*" to trigger suggestion.
    • Add the possibility to set the number of suggestions.
    • Support for multiple sort fields (eg. resource type and title)
  • Search results filters improvements:
  • OR query support, to select multiple values.
    • Negative query support, to select all values except.
    • Nested aggregations support.
    • Paging to collect more values.
    • Histograms.
    • Interactive graphics for facets.
    • Add icon decorator.
    • Add support for terms missing value.
  • Search results / Support for custom scoring function to promote the results.

User interface

  • Add a menu to switch portals in the application toolbar.
  • Improved search results layout, including a layout mode to display results as a table.
  • Utility function for copying text to the clipboard.

Map viewer

  • Display mouse position.
  • Map improvements (
  • WPS support improvements (


  • API / Batch editing / Add support for attributes.
  • API / Retrieve individual extent images from the metadata.
  • CSV export download the file instead of opening it in a browser tab.
  • CSW / Improve DCAT support.
  • Dataset citation formatter.
  • Feature catalogue metadata:
  • Use ISO19115-3 instead of ISO19110.
  • Provide a table of content when multiple tables are described.
  • Import metadata - option to allow to edit the metadata to the group owner editors, not only the metadata owner.
    • Add conformance class 2b for monitoring
    • Validation / Remove internal schematron. Use INSPIRE validator instead.
  • ISO19115-3 / ISO19139 conversion / Fix for multiple individuals in organization
  • Metadata create page - allow to configure the metadata template / group to select by default.
  • Metadata editor:
    • Add collapsible/collapsed section support.
    • Allow to insert text as HTML directly in the metadata editor sections to provide additional information.
    • Associated resources / Remote record support.
    • List format as protocols.
    • Permalink to editor using a specific view or by UUID.
    • Upload file or overview from main form.
    • Use condition on any elements to display / hide them.
  • Record view improvements:
    • Group associated resources by type.
    • Display similar records (More like this), suggesting records of same type.
    • Preview tabular data.
    • Use timeline to render resource events, temporal extent and vertical extent.
    • Sort keywords / topic categories.
  • Register service in Spatineo monitor for ISO19115-3.


  • Configure search filters, scoring and other search results aspects in the administration console.
  • Display a summary of indexing errors.
  • Index health check improvements.
  • Harvesters / Better UI for the harvester administration.
  • Harvesters / JSON harvester which currently supports CKAN, ODS and ESRI.
  • Harvesters / URL / Add RDF DCAT harvester.
  • Home page categories can be configured in the administration console.
  • Languages / Easily remove unneeded languages to keep admin form as simple as possible.
  • Link analysis / Filter by HTTP status.
  • Search related configuration: "Add more like this configuration", facets, base query, score, etc.
  • Thesaurus:
    • Import from Linked Data Registry.
    • Display multilingual titles and descriptions and support editing these fields for local thesaurus.
  • WFS feature harvester scheduler and QGIS server support.


  • Additional datastores support to store the metadata files: CMIS / Jcloud.
  • OpenAPI support.
  • PDF print: Switch to OpenPDF.
  • Performance improved for search and indexing.
  • Support to display your own dashboards to analyze content, improve quality, create data visualization in Kibana.
  • Translation API to override default translations.
  • Upgrade to H2 version 2.
  • Upgrade to Log4j2.


  • Authentication / OAuth2 OpenId Connect Single Sign-on and support for OIDC Bearer tokens
  • Updated the libraries used in GeoNetwork: Spring 5, JPA 2, Quartz, MySQL, Guava, Keycloak, etc.
  • GeoNetwork, Release Notes
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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