Fișiere Manuale, programe utile și alte fișiere ce v-ar putea interesa
Biblioteca de documente conține manuale, programe și alte fișiere ce vă pot ajuta la managementul serviciilor contractate.
GeoNetwork opensource 3.10.7
Windows setup file for GeoNetwork opensource (version 3.10.7, release date 12/07/2021). Provides the option to install GeoNetwork as a Windows service.
Mărime: 211 MB GeoNetwork opensource 3.12.7
Windows setup file for GeoNetwork opensource (version 3.12.7, release date 16/09/2022). Provides the option to install GeoNetwork as a Windows service.
Mărime: 247 MB Windows Setup Instructions 3.10+
Instructions on how to set up GeoNetwork opensource 3.10 and up (but not 4.x) on Windows.
Mărime: 315 kB
Windows setup file for GeoNetwork opensource (version 3.10.7, release date 12/07/2021). Provides the option to install GeoNetwork as a Windows service.
Mărime: 211 MB GeoNetwork opensource 3.12.7
Windows setup file for GeoNetwork opensource (version 3.12.7, release date 16/09/2022). Provides the option to install GeoNetwork as a Windows service.
Mărime: 247 MB Windows Setup Instructions 3.10+
Instructions on how to set up GeoNetwork opensource 3.10 and up (but not 4.x) on Windows.
Mărime: 315 kB