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GeoCat Bridge Explained & Tutorial
Workshop: Thriving in hybrid ESRI & Opensource environments Foss4G 2019 Bucharest
Размер файла: 538 kB GeoCat Bridge for ArcMap (v3.2.2)
The latest version of GeoCat Bridge for ArcMap 10.6+. Note that the FlexNet license is obsolete since v3.2.0 and that a new GeoCat license key may be required if you are still on the old licenser. Release notes: https://bridge.geocat.net/updates/3.X/3.2.2.html
Размер файла: 34.1 MB
Workshop: Thriving in hybrid ESRI & Opensource environments Foss4G 2019 Bucharest
Размер файла: 538 kB GeoCat Bridge for ArcMap (v3.2.2)
The latest version of GeoCat Bridge for ArcMap 10.6+. Note that the FlexNet license is obsolete since v3.2.0 and that a new GeoCat license key may be required if you are still on the old licenser. Release notes: https://bridge.geocat.net/updates/3.X/3.2.2.html
Размер файла: 34.1 MB