
  How to export from Bridge to an SLD file?

If you publish directly to Geoserver, the SLD is send directly to the server. Also you can...

  If for some reason publishing has failed, does GeoCat Bridge restore the situation from before the publication?

The current version of GeoCat Bridge does not restore the initial situation when a publication...

  Is it possible to publish a set of layers as a “layer Group”, and avoid to create a layer group in GeoServer manually.

This feature is not available in the current version, but it has our attention for next releases.

  Is there any way to specify an output coordinate system and transformation so it projects all data to a specified projection?

No, this feature is currently not available.

 Besides the FAQ page do you have any support pages that could help answer further questions or a page on how to prepare an mxd for GeoCat Bridge?

Bridge Help and FAQ are the only sources of help.

 Can I publish ArcGIS symbology locally?

GeoCat Bridge can create local SLD's you can use in GeoServer and .map files to be used in...

 Can I publish data and/or symbology without publishing metadata?

Yes, each time you publish you can choose to publish data, metadata and or styling. You have also...

 Does Bridge support annotations?

Bridge currently does not support annotation layers.

 Does Bridge support conversion from ArcGIS to QGIS (mxd to qgs / lay to qml)?

You can save SLD’s locally and use them in QGIS. There is no function mxd to qgs (yet).

 Does GeoCat Bridge configure required fonts in the server or is that something I need to transfer over myself?

GeoCat Bridge will not duplicate any fonts to a server. If you want to use additional fonts on...

 Does GeoCat Bridge delete data when the published layer is deleted?

No, GeoCat Bridge does not remove data from a server. The data might be in use by another layer...

 Does bridge support Shibboleth (SAML) authentication?

At this moment GeoCat Bridge doesn't support SAML.

 How does the conversion of fonts or symbols operate.

Fonts are commonly used in map styling to provide map-labels, but also as symbols, polygon fills...

 Is Bridge available for ArcGIS explorer or ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS is currently available for ArcGIS Desktop. A version for ArcGIS Pro is expected at Q3...

 Is there any support for sftp upload?

In MapServer for now ftp is used, but sftp is something we will check certainly for future...

 Is there any way Bridge can write the mapserver symbols to a different file and not duplicate the symbols inside each mapfile?

At the moment this is not supported.

 I’m trying to export a layer with picture symbols, I get a message that states that they are not supported, therefore the layer will be exported with a default symbology. Is there any way to make this work or would I have to go and change the symbology to avoid picture symbols?

This problem occurs on older versions of Geoserver (no image upload available). Mapserver and...

 What are the differences when publishing to MapServer or GeoServer?

Both GeoServer and MapServer support a similar workflow. MapServer and GeoServer are different...

 What does ‘publish and remove data and metadata to/from servers’ mean?

What this means is that you can publish to a map server and a catalog server and then remove the...

 What privileges are required to publish data?

A default administrator has all privileges to publish data and metadata. However we advise you...

 Why does Bridge create a data store for every Shapefile, it's better if a single data store for a group of Shapefiles is used?

This is the way the current GeoServer REST api operates, it does not support folder-datastores...